Small Groups

Small groups at Christ Church (Home Groups)

There are many dimensions to church life, we might consider that coming together to worship God is perhaps the most important thing that we do, followed by our mission to reach out into the community and beyond with the good news of the gospel.

There is no doubt though, that being the church means being in relationship with each other, the church is described as a body, made up of many parts, each part having a part to play

What does this mean in practice?

We have much to learn from the model that Jesus gave us, namely his commitment to his small group of disciples with whom he shared his life. Our circumstances may be very different to those early disciples, however the same principle applies, namely that discipleship and growth will occur as we engage with one another in small groups.

Our small groups at Christ Church take various forms and this booklet gives you a flavour of each of the groups.

My own experience and observations during the years I have been involved in ministry are that:

  • Those people who are involved in small groups where there is an engagement with God's word and a degree of accountability to one another tend to mature more quickly in their faith.
  • Involvement in a small group can lead to the development of ministry gifts, which can then be a blessing to the wider church.
  • Not everybody is able or is desirous to be part of a bible study or home group, and the church should be providing other opportunities for relationships to be built in a Christian context.

I do hope that you will give consideration to the idea of being part of a small group and if you have any thoughts as to how we can improve in what we are doing then we would be happy to consider your ideas.

Our small groups take a variety of forms, some of them are mainly social whereby we have opportunities to get to know each other better as we go out for a meal or to the theatre.

Home Group Co-ordinator: Delores Archer

Home Group Leaders and place of meeeting:

Meeting twice Monthly in Church Foyer. Tuesday Evenings 8pm

LADIES Bible Study - Twice Monthly on a Friday morning 11:30am - Contact Lyn or Jenny



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